Thursday, 19 July 2018

Angel mother and child paper clay figures on wood

Angel mother and child paper clay relief figures on wood
I have sculpt both figures with paper clay and then
covered the whole background area with strips of 
paper. It was then paint with acrylic paint.
The wall plaque is 12 x 17cm

Red hair angel girl: Paper clay on wooden wall plaque

Red hair angel girl is paper clay relief sculp on a wooden wall plaque.
The entire background was then covered with paper strips
and paint with acrylics.
The plaque is 12 x 17cm

Paper Clay wall plaque: Blue dress woman

Blue dress woman on wood
Sculpt with paper clay 
 and paper strips was used to cover the entire figure and background.
The plaque is 40cm tall and is 15 wide

Saturday, 7 July 2018

The latest creation of the Paper Maché family: Darius die engel

The latest creation of the Paper Maché family is Darius, die engel.
He is 19cm from the end of his wing to the other wing and is 39cm tall
I have used #paperclay for his face and mixed media: #Cardboard, #wool, #paper for his body.

Paper Clay sculptures: Kaktusse

Kaktusse is a set of 2 #paperclay that I have sculpt
on placed it on wooden wall plaques with a hook at the back.
Each plaque is 12 x 17cm 

A new creation to the Paper Maché family: Kirsty

A new creation to the Paper Maché family is Kirsty
She is 15cm tall and 15cm across with her arms stretch out
I have used #papermachéclay for her face and hands
and mixed media items: wool, material, ribbon,strips of paper,wire, paint
for her body and her clothes.

Release, Cosmic Rotation, Blissful Moments

  Cosmic Rotation Acrylics on board 30 x 37.5cm Blissful Moments Acrylics on canvas board Each 29.5 x 42cm Release Acrylics on board 30 x 34...