Woman with purple dress
Paper clay, paper mâché and mixed media
7 x 9cm
Her body was formed over an empty #glassbottle and her face and hair sculpt from paper
and the whole area was then covered with strips of paper and #papermâchépaste. The basket
on her head are strips of paper and the eggs are #paperclay rolled into small balls.
She was then painted with acrylics. She is 7 in width x 9cm tall.
Woman and her cat
Paper clay, paper mâché and mixed media
15 x 28cm
Once again for her body an empty bottle was used and her face was #sculpt from #paperclay.
Her hat was made from an old lid and hardboard and then covered with strips of paper and #papermâchépaste. I have used a piece of #cardboard for the cat and covered it with strips of paper which I have left unpainted. The rest of the woman's face, body and hat was painted with acrylic paint. Two beads hanging from a piece of chain was used for her earrings. She is 28cm tall and 15cm in width.
#paperclay #papermâché #acrylicpaint #mixedmedia #papermâchédoll