Thursday, 29 November 2018

Staan en blom

Staan en blom
Acrylics on canvas sheet
21 x 29.5cm
unframed work

Aanmekaar getimmer
met sterkwees en gom
self al sou hierdie dag
uitloop op sy kop dan 
sal jy nogtans
staan en blom
©Sonja Peacock

#Acrylicpainting #acrylicsonboard #woman #afrikaansegedig #sonjapeacockart #afrikaansevers

Liefde net liefde

Liefde net liefde
Acrylics on canvas sheet
21 x 29.5 cm
Unframed work

ek het haar gevra: 
"hoe bly jy so hoog in die lug in hierdie donker vlug? 
hoe dra jy jou olyftak met soveel swier in 'n lang gang sonder plesier?" 
... en sy het vir my gesê: "Liefde, net liefde wat my so hoog kan oplig!"
©Sonja Peacock

#Acrylicpainting #acrylicsonboard #woman #afrikaansegedig #sonjapeacockart #afrikaansevers

Tuesday, 27 November 2018

Jy is vrou - Acrylics on canvas board

Jy is vrou
Acrylics on board
25 x 30.5cm
Unframed work
Artist: Sonja Peacock

"jy is 'n bondel mooiwees
in hierdie verhaal,
met lippe in rooi getooi.
Jy het vlerke vir vlieg.
Jy is uniek.Jy is vrou."
©Sonja Peacock

#acrylicpainting #acrylicsoncanvas #woman #sonjapeacockart #afrikaans #afrikaanseverse
#afrikaansegedigte #afrikaansevers

Friday, 23 November 2018

Walking the goose

Walking the goose
Paper clay, paper mâché and mixed media doll
12 x 25cm

For the woman's body I have used an empty glass bottle, her face was
formed with #paperclay and then the whole face and body covered with #paperstrips and #papermâchépaste. For her arms I have used #wire and the #goose was cut from
#cardboard and then covered with #papermâché.
The woman and the goose was painted with acrylics.
She is 25cm tall and 12cm in width.

#wallplaque #paperclay #mixedmedia #papermâché, 

The 3 Girls

The 3 girls (set of 3 wall plaques)
Paper clay, paper mâché and mixed media on wood
Each plaque 10 x 30cm

The 3 girls were cut from cardboard and covered with strips of paper
and #papermâchépaste. They were they painted with acrylics.
I have used #twine for their legs and their feet are from #paperclay.
Each wall plaque is 10 x 30cm and has a hook at the backside.

#wallplaque #paperclay #mixedmedia #papermâché 

Thursday, 22 November 2018


Paperclay, paper mâché, wire and mixed media
18 x 20cm

The faces of the boy and girl was sculpt from #paperclay. Their bodies was formed with #wire and then covered with layers of strips of paper and #papermâchépaste. The flute in the boys hands is a small and thin piece of #bamboo.For their hair I have used different pieces of string. They were painted with acrylic paint.The whole piece measures 20cm in height and 18cm in width.

#wire, #paperclay, #papermâché #mixedmedia #Papermâchédoll

Friday, 16 November 2018

Woman with her cat, Woman with purple dress

Woman with purple dress
Paper clay, paper mâché and mixed media
7 x 9cm

Her body was formed over an empty #glassbottle and her face and hair sculpt from paper
and the whole area was then covered with strips of paper and #papermâchépaste. The basket
on her head are strips of paper and the eggs are #paperclay rolled into small balls.
She was then painted with acrylics. She is 7 in width x 9cm tall.

Woman and her cat 
Paper clay, paper mâché and mixed media
15 x 28cm

Once again for her body an empty bottle was used and her face was #sculpt from #paperclay.
Her hat was made from an old lid and hardboard and then covered with strips of paper and #papermâchépaste. I have used a piece of #cardboard for the cat and covered it with strips of paper which I have left unpainted. The rest of the woman's face, body and hat was painted with acrylic paint. Two beads hanging from a piece of chain was used for her earrings. She is 28cm tall and 15cm in width.

#paperclay  #papermâché  #acrylicpaint  #mixedmedia #papermâchédoll

Wednesday, 14 November 2018

Paper mâché dolls

Ma en Dogter (Mother and daughter) Paper mâché dolls,

Ma en dogter's bodies are both empty bottles covered with strips of paper.
Their faces and the bird were formed and sculpt from #paperclay and covered with strips of paper
and #papermâché paste. The flowers on the mother's dress were cut from hardboard and I have used a string for the bottom part of the daughters dress. The daughter's hair is made from strips of paper.
They were both painted with acrylic paint.

Ma - 11 x 26cm
Dogter - 8 x 16cm
Paper clay, paper mâché and mixed media

#paperclay  #papermâché  #papermâchédolls  #mixedmediadolls 

Monday, 12 November 2018

Paper Mâché Paste Recipe

This is the recipe for the Paper Mâché paste that I use with strips of paper.
  • 1 cup flour  
  • 1 cup water
  • Salt (help prevent mold)
Mix well until you get a thick glue-like consistency.

I normally cover my artworks with about 2 or 3 layers and then let it dry completely for a few days before I add another few layers. I let it all dry completely for a week or two before I start working on the final piece of art.

SPECIAL on poster prints

Click on picture to enlarge

#sunartillustrations&inspirations #illustratedprints,  
#illustrations #special

Monday, 5 November 2018

Woman with flute

Woman with flute
Paper clay, paper mâché and mixed media doll
11 x 24cm

I have used an old shampoo bottle for Woman with the flute's body and it was then covered with strip of paper and #papermâchépaste. I have paint the body in acrylic paint and have paint doodles relating to music on the body. Her arms and the flute has been formed with #straws which was covered with strips of paper. Her face has been formed with #paperclay and paint with acrylic paint.

#paperclay  #papermâché #mixedmedia #sculpture #papermâchédoll, 

Sunday, 4 November 2018

Girl with long white hair

Girl with long white hair
Paper clay, paper mâché and mixed media doll
24 x 7 cm

Girl with long white hair's body is an old cylinder container
which was covered with #paperstrips and #papermâché paste. The body was then painted with acrylic paint. The face was formed with #paperclay and I have used #string for her hair.I have crocheted
a round piece with green #wool which I have used as her hat. Her face has been paint with acrylic paint.

 #paperclay  #papermâché #mixedmedia #sculpture #papermâchédoll

Butterfly Girl

Butterfly Girl
Paper clay, Paper mâché and mixed media doll
28.5 x 10cm

For Bitterfly Girl, I have used an empty cylinder and have sculpt her face from #paperclay. Her whole body and face was then covered with strips of paper and long pieces of paper was used to make her hair. I have then paint her body and face with acrylic paint.

 #paperclay  #papermâché #mixedmedia #sculpture #papermâchédoll

Release, Cosmic Rotation, Blissful Moments

  Cosmic Rotation Acrylics on board 30 x 37.5cm Blissful Moments Acrylics on canvas board Each 29.5 x 42cm Release Acrylics on board 30 x 34...