Monday, 10 February 2020

In die verte

In die verte
Paper Mache & Mixed Media 
17 x 30 cm

"in die verte skitter 
blink die hunkering
by my voete ontwaak
dit wat my hart aanraak"
©Sonja Peacock

 #paperclay  #papermâché #woman
#mixedmedia #acrylicpaint  #sonjapeacockart
 #sonjapeacock #papermachedolls #papermacheartdolls

Sunday, 9 February 2020

The Queen and Princess

The Queen and princess
Paper mache & Mixed Media
14 x 36 cm

 #paperclay  #papermâché 
#mixedmedia #acrylicpaint #queen #princess #sonjapeacockart
 #sonjapeacock #papermachedolls #papermacheartdolls

Release, Cosmic Rotation, Blissful Moments

  Cosmic Rotation Acrylics on board 30 x 37.5cm Blissful Moments Acrylics on canvas board Each 29.5 x 42cm Release Acrylics on board 30 x 34...