Sunday, 30 September 2018

Stel van 2 vrouens - Wooden wall plaques

 "Die son bring geel ryp gerwe
vir jou van sy land
Bring jou droom 
en gee jou kant"
©Sonja Peacock

"In jou hart breek 'n rivier
jou saffiere oop 
vir sier op jou 
©Sonja Peacock

Stel van 2 Vrouens
Wall plaques
Hand painted 
Ready to hang
Each 10 x 30cm

Both wall plaques was painted with acrylic paint.

#wood #woodenwallplaques #acrylics #sunart,
#afrikaansegedigte #sonjapeacockgedigte #verse

Saturday, 29 September 2018

Isaiah 60:1 - "Arise, shine, For your light has come and the glory of the Lord rises upon you"

Isaiah 60:1 
"Arise, shine, For your light has come and
the glory of the Lord rises upon you"
Paper clay, paper mâché, wood, driftwood, acrylics sculpture
36 x 24 cm

The woman's face and body was formed and sculpt with #paperclay and then covered 
with strips of paper and #papermâchépaste. Her hair was formed from strips of paper.
I have used a piece of #wood for the stand from which she arises and used a piece of
#driftwood and #wire to complete the scuplture.

#sculpture #wood #driftwood #papermache #paperclay #acrylics

Monday, 24 September 2018

Isaiah 43:2 - When you pass through the waters, I will be with you

Isaiah 43:2 - When you pass through the waters, I will be with you 
Paper clay, Mixed media and acrylic paint
28 x 19cm

The woman's face, hair and the fish was formed and sculpt with #paperclay.
For her body I have used an empty bottle. An old curtain rod ring was used
for the safety buoy and a piece of square polystyrene stand on
which it was then placed. 
I have added a piece of string and then paint the whole artwork with acrylics.

#papermâché #paperclay #acrylicpaint #wire #string

Isaiah 60:22 - When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen

Isaiah 60:22 - When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen
Paper clay, wood, wire, bead, acrylic paint
16 x 15cm

The man's face was sculp with #paperclay and a piece of #wood was used
for his body. The lid of a bottle was used for the stand and a piece
of #polystyrene which was covered wit layers of #paper as the basis.
I have used acrylic paint, a piece of wire and a bead to complete
the #sculpture.

#paperclay, #mixedmedia # #wire #wood

He has made everything beautiful in it's time - Ecclesiastes 3:11

He has made everything beautiful in it's time - Ecclesiastes 3:11
Paper mâché, driftwood and acrylic paint
9 x 26cm

For the cactus I have used a piece of #driftwood and I have glued a #stick to the backside
and placed it all in a #smallflowerpot which was then covered with strips of paper aand
#papermâché paste. It was then painted with acrylic paint.

#papermache, #driftwood #acrylics

Be still and know that I am with you - Psalm 46:10

Be still and know that I am with you - Psalm 46:10
Paper clay, driftwood, wood, string, hessian,button and acrylic paint
35.5 x 10 cm 

For the man's body I have used a piece of #driftwood and a piece of #wood 
was used for the stand on which the #bird sits.The man's face was formed with #paperclay
and a #branch was used as his #walkingstick. I have used a #polystyrene square as a basis
on which the whole sculpture has been fixed to with strips of paper. I have used a piece of #hessian and a button for his jacket.The bird has been formed with #paperclay and paint with acrylic paint.
I have then paint a hanging #lantern and a #fence to finalise the whole sculpture.

#paperclay #papermache #mixedmedia 

Release, Cosmic Rotation, Blissful Moments

  Cosmic Rotation Acrylics on board 30 x 37.5cm Blissful Moments Acrylics on canvas board Each 29.5 x 42cm Release Acrylics on board 30 x 34...